Cash for Scrap Cars in Stave Falls

Scrap car removal Stave Falls, Mission

If you’ve been thinking about scrapping your old vehicle for cash in the Stave Falls area of Mission, there has never been a better time than now. Metal prices fluctuate every day, but with More Cash For Scrap, you’ll always get paid MORE cash for scrap cars than with any other junk car removal companies in Mission.

This is because we have been buying scrap cars, trucks, SUVs, and vans, since 2005, and we know how to get the most out of every vehicle that we scrap for our customers. Whether your vehicle has been sitting for 20 years or is only 5 years old but has extensive collision damage, you can rest assured you’ll get the most cash for your car with us.

Plus, we provide free towing from anywhere in the Lower Mainland (not just in the Fraser Valley). Also, we offer same day scrap car removal and pay MORE cash for scrap cars than the other guys!

Junk Car Removal in Mission

Scrap car buyers Mission

No other junk car removal company in Mission can offer as much cash for scrap cars as we can. That’s because we not only work here, we live here too. With strong roots in the Mission community, we work closely with local metal recyclers, scrapyards, auto recycling companies, and everything in between.

It’s in having these close-knit working relationships that we can almost always get a better price for scrap cars than the general public. This is why MORE Stave Falls residents choose our scrap car removal services over any other in the Fraser Valley.

Why Does Mission Choose Our Scrap Car Removal Services?

Whether you’re selling a scrap car, scrap truck, scrap SUV, or scrap van, we’ll buy it and pay you MORE cash for it than anyone else. Plus, we offer free towing services for all of our scrap car removals, no matter where you are located in the Fraser Valley area.

What We Offer:

  • Instant cash offers over the phone or through text
  • Same day scrap car pick-up
  • Free towing services from anywhere in the Lower Mainland
  • A professional, licensed, and reliable junk car buying service
  • The best customer service in the scrap car removal industry
  • MORE cash for scrap cars than the other guys!

With so many scrap car removal companies in the Lower Mainland, you’ll want to look for the one that truly offers MORE than all the rest… And that’s More Cash For Scrap! We always pay MORE!

Stave Falls Scrap Car Removal

scrap car removal Mission

Not only do we offer the most cash for scrap cars in Mission, but we also provide free towing services. Although you might think that all scrappers provide free towing, we can assure you that they do not.

Many junk car removal companies will say they offer free scrap car removal, but they offer you next to nothing for your car. Others provide a great price over the phone, then quickly start deducting once they see your car in person. This is the exact opposite of how More Cash For Scrap operates.

We pride ourselves on delivering exceptional customer service, which means taking the time to explain what your vehicle with worth, and why, so that you can make a more informed decision about junk car removal. Plus, when we say our towing is free, it actually is. 100%!

How Can I Scrap My Car in Mission

If you are ready to get paid MORE cash for scrap cars in Stave Falls, talk to us before anyone else. We will pay MORE cash for scrap cars in Mission hands-down than anyone else.

We offer free towing services from anywhere in the Lower Mainland, and we do a lot of towing in the Fraser Valley.

We have even pulled scrap cars out of unground parking lots, retrieved them from someone’s blackberry bush, and rescued a water-logged 4×4 out of Stave Lake.

Cash for scrap cars Chilliwack

No matter what you’re selling, or why you are scrapping it, More Cash For Scrap can get your car out, get it picked up, and pay you MORE cash for scrap cars than anyone! Plus, we will buy junk cars that don’t have wheels,keys, or even registration! All you have to do is contact us and we will do the rest. Scrap car removal really can’t get any easier!

What Type of Scrap Vehicles Do We Buy?

Some scrap car removal companies only buy vehicles of a certain age, a certain make, or certain condition. That’s because their business is focused on reusing parts and not simply recycling cars for cash, or repurposing the metal from recycled cars.

More Cash For Scrap’s junk car removal services truly utilize every part of the cars, trucks, SUVs, and vans that we recycle. Which is why we can buy scrap cars in any condition, no matter how bad of shape they are in.

We Are Always Looking to Buy:

  • Vehicles with collision damage
  • ICBC write-offs
  • Scrap cars with mechanical issues
  • Vehicles with electrical problems
  • Vehicles with mould, mildew, rust, or corrosion
  • Junkers with fire, flood, or anything other kind of damage
  • Vehicles with or without the catalytic converter
  • Vehicles that have been sitting too long
  • Project cars that were never restored
  • Vehicles missing portions and parts
  • Vehicles with REALLY high kilometres
  • ANY unwanted vehicle for ANY reason!

We even purchase that are from out of the province or out of the country and have failed their BC inspection. When a car fails inspection, it can be virtually impossible to sell… Unless you sell your car to More Cash For Scrap! We buy ALL vehicles in any condition and we always pay MORE!

How Much Cash Can I Get for My Junk Car?

Junk car removal Mission

All it takes is a simple call, text, or email to get an instant cash offer on your scrap vehicle. We don’t require seeing it in person in order to make you an offer on it.

Provide our scrap car removal specialists with the make, model, year, condition, and location of the vehicle that you’re scrapping. Then, we will make you an instant cash offer right over the phone (we can also provide this through text too).

If you accept our offer, we will have our free junk car towing service come pick up your car that day. We are also happy to arrange a specific day and time for our customers in you require. Our truck, your schedule!

Contact Our Scrap Car Removal Team Today

Scrap car removal Mission

Whether your vehicle is sitting stuck in a mud pit out in Miracle Valley, or if your commuter car died at the Deroche Junction while waiting for the Mission West Coast Express to pass, we’ll pick it up and pay you the most cash for scrap cars in the Fraser Valley.

Just a simple call, text, or email is all it takes to get MORE cash in your pocket, and less scrap car in your driveway. And since our tow truck drivers live and work in the areas we service, you can have your junk vehicle removed promptly.

If you’re looking for a reliable, professional, and fully insured scrap car removal company in Mission, you’ve got it with More Cash For Scrap. Plus, we always pay MORE!